
敬邀 2016 德国杜塞道夫国际橡塑胶展 (K SHOW)


德国2016 K展的参展展馆中,大东树脂摊位以绿色为主色系,色彩分别以渐层来表现,配合TPU树脂的透明彩色粒子为发想,画面中会有很多白色的圆圈,分别为TPU粒或其应用领域,希望带给客人「清新丶环保」的企业形象。展後持续追踪来访客户,及提供样品和资料给客户参考,希望能与各位来访客户有後续合作机会。


Products introduce:
ISOTHANE TPU resins are high quality environmental friendly materials and available in a wide range of hardness in polyester and polyether-based formulations.ISOTHANE exhibit the valuable characteristics of flexible rubber and rigid plastics and their wide spectrum of mechanical properties can meet customers’demands in extensive applications.ISOTHANE TPU portfolio includes non-plasticizer soft grades (hardness range 55A-75A), high transparency grades, hot melt grades, breathable film grades, medical/biocompatible grades, engineering grade, low compression grades, bio-renewable grades (bio-content above 25%), flame retardant grades, calendaring grade and TPU adhesion grades and special compounds like TPU with 40%, 50%, 60% Long Fiber Reinforced Compounding Materials (TPU LFRTs).
